
[영어] 영단어 접두사 정리

iseop 2022. 1. 1. 18:19

부정을 나타내는 접두사

의미: no, not, without, refuse, deny

a- : anomaly, atom
in- : incomplete, incorrect, inactive
im- : impossible, immoral, immovable
ig- : ignore
il- : illiterate
ir- : irresponsible, irregular
ne- : never
neg- : negate, negative, neglect
non- : nonsense
un- : unlock, uncomfortable, unable


의미: separation, removal, away from

a- : avoid, away
ab- : abnormal, abort, abuse
abs- : absent
di- : direct
dif- : differ, difficult, diffuse
dis- : disagree, disallow, disable, disappear, disclaim, disclose


의미: bad, harsh, wrong

mis- : mistake, mislead, misinformation, misconduct


의미: against, opposed to

ant- : antarctica
anti- : antithesis, antivirus, antiaircraft
ob- : obdurate, object, obsess, obstacle


의미: together, with

co- : co-worker, cohort, cohesion
cog- : cognition
col- : colleague, collaborate
com- : company, community, communicate, compatible
con- : concentrate, concatenate, conclusion, conference
cor- : corporate


변화를 나타내는 접두사

의미: again, back, backward

re- : recover, revoke, reconstruct, reclaim, receive
red- : reduce, redundant


의미: different, diversity, change

var- : vary
vari- : variable, vari


의미: use, employ, practice

us- : use, user, usage, usurp
ut- : utilize, 


방향을 나타내는 접두사

의미: in, within, inside, into

im- : import, immigrate
in- : involve, invade, inject, insist
en- : energy, enlighten, enable
em- : empathy, embark


의미: between, among

inter- : interact, inter-network, interoperate


의미: through, across, over, beyond

per- : persist, perceive, perform
trans- : transfer, transform, transport, translation, transit, transmit


의미: to, toward

ac- : accede
ad- : adverse, adapt, adequate, admire, admit, advice, advocate
af- : affix
ag- : aggression
ap- : append
as- : aspect, assign
at- : attend, attract


의미: away from, off, down, entirely

de- : destroy, deduct, decay, declaim, decrease, define


의미: out, out of, outside, away from

e- : egress, emit
ec- : eclipse, eccentric
ef- : effuse
ex- : expend, excel, excerpt, execute, exit
exo- : exodus


의미: under, below, beneath

sub- : subordinate, subway, submarine, submissive, subprime
suc- : successor, succeed
suf- : suffix
sug- : suggest
sum- : summon
sup- : suppress, supplement, supply, support
sur- : surrogate(대리), surreption


의미: above, over, excessive

epi- : epic, epidemic
hyper- : hyperbole, hyper-criticism, hyper-sonic
ult- : ultimate
ultra- : ultra-high
super- : supervise, supercharge, 
supra- : supreme
sur- : surpass, surveillance, survey, survive


전/후을 나타내는 접두사

의미: before

an- : ancestor
anti- : 
ante- : 
fore- : foreground, forecast
pre- : preview


의미: forward

pro- : provoke, 


의미: after

post- : postfix, postpone


를 나타내는 접두사

one : uni-

two : bi-, bin-

three : tri-, tre-

four : quad-, quadri-, quadro-

six : hex-, hexa-

eight : oct-, octa-, octo-

ten : dec-, deca-

thousand (10^3) : kilo-

million (10^6, 백만) : mega-

billion (10^9, 십억) : giga-

trillion (10^12, 조) : tera-